Paga Connect

Welcome to the Paga Connect Developer's Page. You'll find all the information needed to get started integrating with, and using the Paga wallet as your payment platform.

1. Introduction

Paga Connect API allows businesses to charge customer Paga wallet once access or authorisation has been given to the business by the customer. This service enables businesses to make easy collections from Paga customers.

Paga Connect utilizes the OAuth 2.0 Specification to enable secure integration with our 3rd party clients. Paga connect is currently implemented based on the final release of the OAuth2 Specification (RFC6749).

The OAuth 2.0 Specification uses well established web standards and is available on a multitude of platforms and programming languages. A comprehensive list of supported languages, frameworks, services as well as beginner tutorials can be found at the following links below.



It is advisable to read and be familiar with the OAuth 2.0 specification before continuing with the rest of the Documentation.

The following Secure operations can be performed.

  1. Merchant Payments
  2. Money Transfer
  3. User Details

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